
Beginner’s Guide to CBD

Have you ever wanted to try CBD but didn’t know where to start? Do you have questions about what it is and how it can be beneficial to you? Then look no further, here is our Beginner’s Guide to CBD.

This is a brief but informative guide that will help you understand what CBD is, how it works in your body, how to get started in terms of product selection and dosage suggestions, and, what conditions it can potentially be beneficial for, among other topics of interest. If you’ve been curious about CBD and what it can do for you, then our Beginner’s Guide to CBD is a great place to start.

We’re going to try to provide you with most of the vital information you need to begin your journey into using CBD as a health-enhancing remedy. As always, you should continue to do your research after reading our guide, as well as contact your primary care physician if you have any further questions or concerns.

What is CBD and how can it help?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound derived from the hemp plant that will not make you feel as euphoric as THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, as it does not possess its psychoactive effects. These compounds are two of the most well-known cannabinoids in hemp, although there are over 100 different ones in the plant. For beginners, CBD is also the main compound to pay attention to, but we will touch on some other aspects of the plant.

“Hemp,” which we often refer to as psychoactive hemp are two different forms of the same plant. While psychoactive hemp and products made from it remain illegal, hemp is legal in many countries around the world, including Spain. As a result, CBD oil can be obtained legally, although in Spain at the moment, unlike in countries such as the United States or Canada, it is only regulated for topical use.

There are many well-documented benefits associated with regular CBD use. Among them are:

  • Relief of anxiety, including stress reduction, improved sleep, and improvement of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.
  • Decreased pain from arthritis, chronic pain, muscle aches, and multiple sclerosis or MS, among others.
  • Reduction of inflammation from acne.
  • A possible reduction of seizures associated with epilepsy, as several scientific studies have found.
  • CBD may also help relieve pain associated with cancer treatment as reported by the National Cancer Institute.

In fact, clinical studies are finding that CBD can help with a number of other conditions. Although research is still in the early stages, many expect CBD to continue to grow in popularity as a strong and effective alternative treatment.

How does CBD work?

Simply put, CBD (including THC and all the other cannabinoids hemp) works synergistically with the body’s endocannabinoid system (we all have it), a complicated cellular activation system, to relieve pain, nausea, and a host of other symptoms stemming from various diseases.

The endocannabinoid system appears to help the body maintain homeostasis (a fancy word for balance). It works to regulate:

  • Mood
  • Memory
  • Appetite
  • Sleep
  • Fertility and reproduction

Homeostasis is important to many aspects of our body’s healthy functioning. As such, it is fundamental in the body’s ability to handle certain processes such as:

  • Stress
  • Mood
  • Appetite and digestion
  • Sleep
  • Learning and memory
  • Motor control
  • Liver function
  • Bone growth and remodeling
  • Reproductive system function
  • Nerve function
  • Skin function
  • Muscle formation
  • Metabolism
  • Chronic pain
  • Immune system responses, including inflammation
  • Cardiovascular system function

This does not mean that using CBD can instantly cure problems with any of the above. But there is serious scientific evidence of how closely linked the endocannabinoid system is to our well-being. Compounds like cannabidiol mimic the body’s natural chemicals (the endocannabinoids), and potentially complement the body’s own processes.

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